Impact Assessment & Planning

We have experience of providing Impact Assessment and Planning (IAP) input to projects in the oil and gas, mining, land development, transport, infrastructure, and power sectors. Our goal is always the same: assisting our clients to get their projects planned, built and operated on schedule, while meeting their own expectations for management of impacts on the local population and environmental, social and cultural resources. By helping clients bring these issues into the project planning process early we achieve environmental objectives; enable savings in capital and operating costs, and avoid significant approval and other delays.

ERM combines experience with global standards, such as the Equator Principles and International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standards, with a thorough understanding of local regulatory systems and cultural sensitivities. We apply state of the art assessment tools, from GIS to noise and air dispersion modeling and visualization techniques. Where appropriate, we can also integrate social and health impact assessments into the process.

1. Site and Route Selection Studies
2. Environmental, Social, Health and Economic Impact Assessments
3. Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards Reviews
4. Environmental, Social and Health Management and Action Plans
5. Biodiversity Monitoring and Management Plans
6. Resettlement Planning and Implementation Support
7. Land Use Planning, Masterplans, and Landscape Architecture
8. Permitting Requirements Analyses and Support
9. Public Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement
10. Management and Monitoring of Environmental, Social and Health aspects during Project Construction